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Customized Training

Alan Gavarin

Your customized training

The respect of your physical integrity is a priority: individual coaching is above all a personalized coaching, whether live or remote.

Customized training

I make a point of being constantly attentive and available: your constraints and your desires will be taken into account.
Every practitioner is different. An optimal appreciation of the desires and resources of the practitioner is the insurance of an individualized training, guarantee of progression in the long term.

Management and sharing

Knowing your personality, strengths and weaknesses is the most efficient way to define and adjust your coaching. In order to reach that goal, we will take the time for an individual interview at the beginning of the follow-up and we will have continuous exchanges and sharing throughout our partnership.

We will find together what suits you best in terms of planning, training, follow-up and work tools to make you enjoy sports and renew your motivation over time.

I am with you to support you, motivate you, help you surpass yourself to reach your goals and beyond.

  • Alan took the time to listen to my requests to suggest a program suited to my level, my goals and my time constraints. The sessions are motivating, well constructed and carried out with quality equipment. Thank you Alan for your availability, your serious and passionate work, your precise advice! Please also get up early to allow me to exercise before going to work;)

    Remi MATHIEU Avatar Remi MATHIEU
    21 February 2021

    J’ai contacté Alan pour passer des épreuves sportives militaires et il m’a orienté vers Hervé, un coach vraiment au top !! Il m’a suivit pendant 9 mois, avec des programmes variés, adaptés et évolutifs ! J’ai également testé et approuvé le programme diététique d’Alan. Alizée a su également me donner quelques techniques de course à pieds. Hervé a vraiment mis toutes ses compétences, ses connaissances et sa détermination pour m’accompagner dans mon projet ! Il s’est impliqué à fond pour me motiver et me faire progresser ! J’ai rapidement développée de la rapidité et de l’endurance, et j’ai réussi tous mes tests sportifs ! Un grand merci à Alizée, Alan et surtout Hervé pour m’avoir aidé à réaliser mon projet !! 🥳🏋‍♀️💪😊⭐

    Chloé Lc Avatar Chloé Lc
    17 February 2022

    Having contacted Alan to return to sport, I was put in contact with Alizée, a coach of the team, and she is great! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Best coach, would recommend 💪😁 Alizée knew how to support me in the best way for a recovery, with adapted and diverse exercises, pushing me to do a little more each time, to exceed my limits. I gained strength quickly and visible physical results followed soon after. All accompanied by objective and realistic nutrition advice. As a coach, Alizée gave me confidence in my abilities, re-motivated me, and I was able to quickly achieve some of my goals (notably push-ups). The same goes for Alan and his entire team that I met at the Barbell Union room, where there is a good atmosphere of mutual aid and kindness, a sport atmosphere in its truest sense.

    Cyrine Elkatrani Avatar Cyrine Elkatrani
    10 September 2021
  • J’ai décidé de faire appel à Alan suite à ma dernière compétition de force athlétique. Il faut bien se dire qu’à un moment, si l’on veut progresser il faut savoir s’entourer d’un professionnel. Pourquoi lui ? Tout simplement car dès les premiers échanges il a su marqué des points. Très abordable, à l’écoute, il comprit rapidement mon besoin. Un des gros points forts du coaching est qu’il s’adapte très rapidement à ma vie professionnelle et que malgré les aléas, il trouve toujours la bonne formule afin de continuer à me faire progresser. A cela, je peux rajouter qu’il est très souvent disponible. En toute sincérité, je retire de ces 4 premiers mois de coaching que du positif. Et bien que ce soit du coaching à distance, je continuerais à lui faire confiance. En faisant appel à Alan, vous ferez le bon choix.

    Aloïs 72 Avatar Aloïs 72
    21 March 2019

    Alan directed us to Alyzee. For 1 year she has been my coach. It’s perfect: very pleasant room, atmosphere that is both cool, friendly but serious. Alyzee is super professional, always in a good mood, she knows how to adapt to each profile (all ages, all goals…) and the progress is impressive. All this in joy and good humor, finally, we still suffer every time because she does not spare us but … we like it!

    Odile Nicolas Avatar Odile Nicolas
    24 February 2022

    Alan literally changed my life! Alan has been coaching me for almost 2 years and I never thought I could achieve as many goals as with him. Without Alan I certainly wouldn’t be lifting weights today. I had a lot of back problems, I wanted to give up, but Alan always gave everything to bring me back to the surface and remotivate me while finding solutions to treat my back. He also knew how to direct me to the right health professionals and constantly communicates with them to monitor progress and adapt my training according to this development. Alan is much more than just a coach! Always present, responsive and attentive, I couldn’t recommend him better.

    Emma Pradet Avatar Emma Pradet
    11 February 2021